3C PEDIATRICS HEALING SERVICES LLC is a pediatric home health care agency that provides quality care to children, adolescents, and young adults in the comfort of their own environment.
We were established in 2021 with a vision from a pediatric nurse, Tiffany Gray, MS, RN, BSN, our founder and administrator. She had a deep desire to bring quality nursing care into the homes of families that need nursing support and assistance beyond the hospital.
3C PEDIATRICS HEALING SERVICES LLC is a licensed and certified home health care agency of passionate pediatric nurses that truly have the heart to serve. Working as a pediatric nurse for over 15 years and being a nursing leader for the past 8 years is what fueled the vision and set the foundation for 3C PEDIATRICS HEALING SERVICES LLC. With over 30 years of combined pediatric experience, the 3C PEDIATRICS team understands that healing goes beyond the hospital. With a passion for pediatrics and an understanding of quality care, the 3C PEDIATRICS team built a strong foundation for their pediatric home health care services. Our services provide the same level of quality as hospital care for clients and families once they are discharged and/or need continued service over time. We aim to decrease visits to outpatient clinics as much as possible.
We will be with you through every step of the healing process. Healing is our ministry and the services we provide are offered with love, compassion, and knowledge.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to heal children utilizing a holistic care model in which you and your family are at the center of our collaborative process. We believe that each client and family play an intricate part in the healing/restorative process. We want you to feel that you’re part of our team. We value your input and encourage you to participate in each phase of care. Our number one goal is client and family satisfaction as we prioritize your health care needs to align with our mission and core values which leads to a path of high-quality care.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to be one of the leading pediatric home health care agencies in Houston and its surrounding areas, providing prestigious nursing care and services to all families we are called to serve.
Core Values